2nd grade

Road Safety Song

Let's go to the zoo. Sing the song.


Thursday, 6th May 2021

💪English test."Unit 5: What's the matter". Monday, 10th May 2021

Book :  Activity 16 page 58.
Oral activities (Healthy habits)

Monday, 3rd May 2021

Watch the video: " Keep healthy"

                       Book: Page 56. Activity 11. Stickers (pegatinas) Unit 5: Wash, Sleep well...
Page 59. Activity 17. Look and write.

We start unit 5: What's the matter? (Que che pasa?)

Listen to the song: "Please come in" (Por favor pasa/e). Click on the link below

Thursday, 11th March 2021

Memory game (Flashcards)
Oral activity: " I want to play..."
Cut out (recorta) the cards on page 97. Nun sobre garda as tarxetas.

Monday, 8th March 2021

Women's Day Video

Story: lesson 4. Page 40 and 41
Activities page 42. (Parte escrita).

👉 On your notebook (libreta) draw (debuxa): Video/Computer games

Thursday, 4th March 2021

Revision vocabulary and practice the structure: Do you like...? 

👉 On your notebook (libreta) draw (debuxa): 
"Board games" (one page) and "cards" (another page).

Outdoors activities (actividades ó aire libre "tag" and "hopscotch")

Monday, 1st March 2021

Hoxe dámonos os bos días "Good Morning" con esta canción:

👉 Stick the stickers(pegatinas) of unit 4. Page 39
👉 On your notebook (libreta) draw (debuxa): a baskeball, a football and hopscotch.

Thursday, 25th February 2021

We start unit 4 " Break time" (Hora de recreo/descanso)

Watch the video: "Hopscotch" ( "A Mariola, La rayuela")

Rock, scissors, paper 1 2 3

💪English test."Unit 3: Clothes". Monday, 22nd February 2021

Monday, 8th February 2021

"Seasons of the year". As estacións do ano.

Stickers (Pegatinas) Activity 11. Page 34

Click on the image to do the interactive activity: "Clothes"

💪Traballo voluntario "Unit 3: Clothes": Nunha cartolina A4 ou folio pegado nun cartón ou similar debuxa a un familiar que queiras (mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother...) e viste@ coa roupa que estamos vendo na clase. Escribe en inglés as prendas que debuxaches axudándote p.ex. de frechas. O título debe comezar coa estrutura "This is my..." p.ex.: "This is my mother".  Para a roupa podes usar anacos de tea,purpurina, la etc. Go for it!

Data límite: Thursday,11h February 2021.

Hot/ Cold. Let's sing and move your body!!

Interactive activity. "Clothes". Watch the video and answer the questions. Mira o vídeo e responde as preguntas.

Despois do Nadal...We start unit 3" Clothes" ( A roupa). Let's sing! 

Fixádevos que a canción di: "pants" para referirse a "trousers". "Pants"é a palabra que se usa en Estados Unidos para referirse a pantalóns.

What's your favourite....?

                                         Pets. What is it?

Monday, 23rd November 2020. Stickers (pegatinas) Unit 2.

We start unit 2: Pets (mascotas). Click on the link below to listen to the song. Clica no enlace de abaixo

Song: I have a pet

Monday, 9th November 2020:  Activity 6 and 7 at page 10 (páxina 10). No exercicio 6, escribe as palabras que faltan debaixo da imaxe. Na actividade 7 completa as oracións mirando ás imaxes.

Na libreta debuxa a túa habitación, escribe de título "My bedroom". Coloca a libreta de forma apaisada.

                         Tiger says hello! Let's sing together!

Tiger challenge: Tiger rétavos a cantar esta canción? Can you do it?    



 Aquí o vídeo dos números para que non vos esquezades de contar "in English".

 Fixádevos sobre  todo a partires do número 11. Sing and do the gestures with Matt!!

Recordades esta canción que vimos na clase? "Hello, Hello How are you?" Agora xa sabedes como preguntar ós demais como están e dicir como te sintes ti. Enjoy it!

 This is tiger, our class puppet! How are you tiger?

Where are you now?


  1. Boa tarde Teacher:

    Cal é a dirección de mail para poder enviar as fichas liveworksheet?


  2. Parabens polo blog teacher! Os contidos destán xeniais! 🥳🥳🥳

  3. Moitas grazas Vanesa alégrome que vos sirva de axuda. As páxinas de "liveworksheets" están vinculadas a miña dirección de correo electrónico así que ó rematar a ficha tedes que darlle a "terminado"(debaixo da ficha)e despois "Enviar respuestas a mi profesor/a"e xa me chega directamente. Pero se tedes algún problema facédemo saber. Un saúdo
