Look at your classmates. Write on your notebook: True or False?
Jéssica is listening to music____
Rogger is sitting on a chair____
Diego is writing on his notebook____
Sara González is speaking with Leire Vila______
💪English test: Friday, 11th June 2021. "Unit 6: "At the beach" (Último control do curso escolar)
Present continuous song: "What is he/she doing?
💪Traballo voluntario "Unit 6": At the beach. Nunha cartolina fala das actividades que fas na praia. Tes que usar as estruturas: " I'm collecting shells, I'm playing etc". Podes utilizar fotos, debuxos, recortes... Fala tamén dunha persoa que queiras, recorda usar neste caso " She's.../He's..." Tamén se pode facer unha presentación de Power Point ou similar.
Data límite: Friday, 11th June 2021
Write the personal pronouns on your notebook:
Personal pronouns
I: yo
You: Tú
He: Él
She: Ella
We: Nosotros/as
You: Vosotros/as
They: Ellos/as
Let's revise the seasons of the year (Estacións do Ano) with this song.
Watch the video of the Personal Pronouns.
Vocabulary Presentation: The Beach. Click onthe link below
We start unit 6: at the beach
Click on the link below to watch the interactive video
💪English test: Monday, 10th May 2021. "Unit 5: "Daily routines"
Greetings (saúdos).
Aprenderemos a saudarnos " in English" dependendo da hora do día.
Watch the video.
💪Traballo voluntario "Unit 5": Daily routines. Nunha cartolina fala das túas rutinas diarias indicando a hora aproximada de cada unha delas. Example: I get up at 8 o'clock etc. Podes utilizar fotos, debuxos, recortes... Tamén se pode facer unha presentación de Power Point.
Data límite: Wednesday,5th May 2021.
Practice the time. Interactive activity.
Click on the link below (clica no enlace de abaixo)
Imos aprender a dicir a hora en Inglés.
Watch the video. What time is it?
Practice: Listen and say
We start unit 5: Daily routines?
What do yo do in the morning?
Click on the image to make the interactive video.
Watch the video and answer (responde) the questions
Click on the image to make the interactive worksheet.
Match(emparella) the picture with the word
👉Miniflashcards page 93. As tarxetas que temos recortadas as pegamos na libreta e o lado de cada tarxeta escribimos: I like or I don't like. Escribe a frase completa: " I like chocolate"
We start unit 4: "Food" with this song
💪English test: Monday, 22nd February 2021. "Unit 3: Sports"
To relax a bit:
Dance and listen carefully to the song.
What animals does the fox say? What about body parts?
Clica no enlace de abaixo para xogar a kahoot. Hai un erro na pregunta 3.
💪Traballo voluntario "Unit 3": Nunha cartolina escribe o teu deporte favorito usando a estrutura: "My favourite sport is..." podes engadir unha foto túa practicando o deporte, un debuxo, un recorte de revista etc. Ademais engade outros dous deportes que saibas facer e outros dous que non usando as estruturas: "I can/ I can't" e tamén podes usar fotos/debuxos/recortes/anacos de tea...Podes incluir a un familiar e dicir que deporte sabe facer e cal non: Ex."My brother can play tennis." Go for it!
Data límite: Wednesday,10th February 2021.
Wednesday, 27th January 2021
Watch the video to the minute 4:00
Activity: On your notebook write about the sports you can and can't do. Usa o vocabulario das tarxetas que recortamos e as estruturas " I can / I can't ". Por exemplo:
Interactive worksheet. Clica na imaxe para facer a actividade.
En cada unha das oracións debes escoller entre can/can't
Interactive activity: Practice can/can't with Alladin.
Watch the video and select the right answer.
De volta do Nadal ...We start unit 3 with "Sports". Do you like sports?
Fixádevos que di "soccer" para referirse a"football". "Soccer" é American English, é dicir úsase en Estados Unidos.
💪English test: Friday, 11th December 2020. "Unit 2: Animals"
Friday, 4th December 2020. Watch the video.We practice the structures:
What is it?
It's a dog/cat/turtle....
Pupil's Book: Lesson 5
Essential Activity Book: activities 15 and 16,page 17
Novo kahoot. Clica no enlace de abaixo, escribe o teu nove e a inicial do teu apelido e clica"ok,go". Let's play!
💪Traballo voluntario: Nunha cartulina tamaño A4 describe un animal e debúxao, podes colorealo ou decoralo como queiras. Podes tamén pegar unha foto, un recorte de revista etc. Sinala as partes do corpo do animal no debuxo/foto.
Data límite: Monday,14th December 2020.
Monday, 30th November 2020
Oral activities. Pictures and flashcards.
We practise the structures: "Has it got...? Yes, it has/No, it hasn't."
Pupil's book: Activities 8 and 9 ,page 16.
Essential activity book: activity 10, page 15.
Friday, 27th November 2020:
Facer a ficha interactiva de abaixo. Cando rematedes de facela darlle a "terminado" e logo "Enviar a profesor/a".
Activity: On your notebook write Yes,it has and No, it hasn´t
Escribe as palabras en grande, cada unha nunha páxina da libreta como se foran carteis para as actividades orais.
Comezamos "lesson 3". Actities 8 and 9 at page 14 (Essential Activity Book).
25th November 2020: Activity: Despois de ver a historia de "The Tortoise and the Hare"
Read the sentences and write true or false. (On your notebook).
1) The tortoise is slow._________
2) The hare has got fur_________
3)The tortoise has got a heavy shell.______
4)The tortoise has got long legs._________
Wednesday, 18th November 2020. Open the Essential Activity Book at page 91.Colour the cards(tarxetas) of animals. Destaca a parte do corpo que indica a frecha. Cut out (recorta)the cards and make an envelope(fai un sobre)para gardar as tarxetas. Decórao e pon o título"Animals.Body parts"
We start unit 2 "Animals". What animals do you like? Let's sing!
ACTIVITY: On your notebook (libreta) write about the animals you like and you don't like.
ACTIVITY: Draw your favourite animal. Write "My favourite animal is..." on your notebook.
Para @s que non viñéchedes on Wednesday, 28th October facer as pegatinas(stickers) da "Unit 1, page 63" ,the review activities 1 and 2 at page 74 and 1 and 2 at page 75. (Essential Activity Book)
What do you do? Do you listen to music? Watch the video! Tenta entender que fan estas personaxes tan peculiares durante a semana.
Video of Ellie, Clare, Nassim and Ben introducing themselves
Aquí tedes as personaxes que nos acompañarán este curso no noso libro. Do you remember their names?
How old are they?
Aquí tedes o alfabeto en Inglés. Listen to the song!
Que letra botas en falta?😕Si si hai unha letra que non existe no alfabeto da lingua inglesa.
O que non estivo o outro día na clase, pode recortar o alfabeto que aparece no voso cadernillo "Essential Activity Book" na páxina 89.Esta semana estivemos repasando os días da semana (DAYS OF THE WEEK). Anímate a cantala de novo na casa! Sing along!
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